The ownership of water, oil, gas, and other minerals is often separate from the ownership of the surface of real property. You need the experience and knowledge of Sell Griffin McLain to assure that ownership of water, oil, gas, and other minerals is properly documented.
If you are a seller, SGM has the knowledge and experience to represent you to retain water and mineral rights on the real property you are selling.
If you are purchasing real property, we will assure the conveyance to you includes the rights and interests in the underlying water and minerals to which you are entitled.
The attorneys at Sell Griffin McLain are experienced in representing landowners in the negotiation and proper documentation of terms for (i) the leasing of oil, gas and other minerals to companies for extraction and production and (ii) the sale of water rights.
The issues to address include the use, care, and maintenance of the surface of your land, the vegetation, and other improvements that can be adversely affected by allowing access to your land by the lessee. Another matter to consider is the location of roads to be used by the leasing company, as well as the granting of rights-of-way for pipelines.
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